Mind The Signs

Mind The Signs Course

This is a 6-session online course designed to accompany the graphic novel “Rewind”: each session refers back to 2 episodes of the story.

Our evaluation of the POP Campaign clearly indicated that the storylines resonated with the target age group, with thousands engaging with posts and sharing content. To read in more detail about the impact of our social media campaign click here. We wanted to build on this success, and use the amazing resource created for us to start a wider conversation on the topic of peer-on-peer abuse.

The Sessions

These are available for you to download and run as a 6-week course, however you may wish to select individual sessions. With this in mind, here is a brief overview of content.

Session 1

To go alongside episodes “Social Circle” and “Home Life”.

Issues: unkindness in friendship groups (based around social media presence), coercive control in romantic relationships, what is a “red flag”?, neglect at home as a risk factor for abuse.

Session 2

To go alongside episodes “The Shop” and “Football Practice”

Issues: street harassment, secret keeping, verbal abuse disguised as “banter”

Session 3

To go alongside episodes “The Ultimatum” and “The House Party Pt 1”

Issues: manipulation/emotional abuse from friends, setting boundaries, financial abuse, underage drinking

Session 4

To go alongside episodes “The House Party Pt 2” and “The Flashback”

Issues: consent, sexual abuse, domestic abuse in young couples, trauma

Session 5

To go alongside episodes “The Aftermath” and “Jake’s Manipulation”

Issues: online bullying, sexting, sharing sexual images without consent, power and control in young relationships

Session 6

To go with episodes “Sharing Advice” and “Reflections”

Issues: having honest conversations with friends, focus on strengths

The Workbooks

  1. This is to accompany the course, and has space to complete short activities. It is complementary rather than compulsory. If you are outside of Sheffield, the “Useful Organisations” page would need adapting if you were to use this with your young women.
  2. This was developed in response to perceived “screen fatigue” amongst young women over lockdown, and gives the user the option of working through exercises linked to the story at their own pace. Each episode is linked through an QR code, and there is a variety of activities to complete for each.


Together Women Project, registered charity in England and Wales (1128892). Registered office: 13 Park Square East, Leeds, LS1 2LF

© Together Women 2024, All Rights Reserved